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Maumelle High School

Maumelle High School is an 85 acre, $85 million public facility project with over 1 mile of subsurface draining system.  It is a two-story high school housing a 1,200-seat auditorium, 2.500-set gymnasium, kitchen, dining and common areas, classroom wings, science lab, media center, art studio, band room and choir room.  The football stadium is 18,000 square feet with a press box, restroom and concession facilities.  The competition gymnasium is equipped for basketball and volleyball.

The Maumelle High School performing arts auditorium is 17,000 sqft with a seating capacity of 1,200 and a stage size of 50'x90'.  The auditorium was designed to enhance the school district's arts curriculum.  The auditorium is arranged with a cross-over aisle that can be used for intimate performances.  

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